5 things you should know before use Trap master in cod mobile

Hello gamer’s 

          Call of duty mobile is one of the best battle Game is mobile. In call of duty mobile players don’t fight with only guns, But players can use to many new technology to win the games like 
  • Class 
  • Score strikes
  • Operator skills
  • Gunsmith and Loadout

In this article we gonna learn about one of the best class Trap master in call of duty mobile. Let me give me some overview about this article so you can select your topic to get information

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What is trap master in cod mobile? 

Trap master is the best class call of duty mobile battle Royale mode which gives ability to player deployed high voltage traps in the ground. 

If enemies infected by traps that traps gives enemies player high voltage to kill them. 

Trap master without upgrade class

  • DAMAGE :- 83 damage/second.
  • How much traps deployed in one time :-  maximum 3 traps active on ground. 

Trap master with upgrade class

  • Damage :- 123 damage/second.
  • How much traps deployed in one time:- Maximum 4 traps active on ground. 
  • Extra skills :- Increase movement speed of trap master player and also increase recharge speed of  class  close teammates. 

How do you get trap master in call of duty mobile? 

When Trap master add in season 4  of call of duty mobile player need to complete some mission to unlock the trap Master Class. 

After the season 4 ends player need to buy this class from in game shope if it available. 

Don’t worry you don’t need to pay money to buy but you need to pay 2000 cod point to buy this class. And cod point you can earn easily by  just playing game. 

How do you use trap master? 

Player can use Trap master in 2 ways in call of duty mobile battle Royale. 
  1.  Deployed traps without aiming traps 
  2. Deployed traps with aiming strategies

Deployed traps without aiming traps

In this strategy player deployed traps by tap on class button randomly without any aiming. 

This strategy is most useful in if any enemies team rush on player. This strategy gives some time to take good position and make delay on rush. 

Deployed traps with aiming strategies

In  aiming strategies player deployed traps with some strategies like traps ends visible to players or not, from which way players come to kill, an many more. 

For aiming  player need to long hold and deployed in the ground. 

This aiming strategies is most useful to hold any position make and make some strategically traps to kill enemies. 

Here is some palace and there technique to deployed traps in the  cod mobile battle Royale. 

How to survive | Counter trap master in cod mobile? 

To survive or counter from traps high voltage player’s need to  use any healing This is only effective way to survive. 

I’m not sure second one but sometimes fast movements also slow down effect of voltage on player’s. 

How to see trap master in cod mobile? 

In this game see trap master in cod mobile is not that easy. But if you play carefully you can spot traps in the game. 

In this call of duty mobile game there is 2 way to spot traps 
  1. You can’t see trap wire but you can see end Pole of the traps. This poles are not spoted easly in this game. 
  2. You can hear sounds of the trap deployed if enemy player’s use close to you. 

Some Tips and tricks to use trap master

Here is some tip and tricks to improve trap master gameplay

  • To kill fast enemies player try to deployed more than 1 trap at one place because more enemies player infected by trap low chance to survive from traps. 
  • Try to upgrade class to get 4 traps to use and it also improve teammates movement speed. 
  • Deployed traps on dead body of enemies player to infected enemies teammates if they come to collect Doctake. 
  • Use traps to upgrade station, drops,leader and ropeway. 

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